Hiring the Right People for Your Commercial Cleaning Franchise

Your place of work reflects who you are. Companies are prepared to pay thousands of dollars to maintain their online presence, but how much do they spend on building management? Like your company’s website and social media platforms, your facilities communicate a message to your clients. Customers want to visit a facility that is well-organized and clean. You can achieve those high client expectations by hiring a professional cleaning service.

It is impossible to overstate the importance of staff recruitment. Except if you run an automated futuristic company, you have put the effort, money, and resources in getting your personnel hired right. This is especially true for entrepreneurs whose businesses are built on service, such as a cleaning service. The service quality you offer will, more or less, represent how profitable your business is or will become in the future.

You can have state-of-the-art equipment, but if you hire competent individuals with the expertise and abilities to make the greatest use of high-quality equipment and supplies, your service will not exceed or even meet your clients’ expectations. A cleaning company owner cannot risk hiring improper cleaning workers under any circumstances.

When the wrong person is hired, your company is certain to receive a slew of complaints and harsh criticism from your customers. Before you know it, the company you’ve spent countless sleepless hours attempting to establish will implode right in front of your eyes.

Recruiting quality employees for your cleaning franchise

It’s easier said than done to find the ideal individuals for your cleaning service company. The first question you must address is: what types of people make excellent cleaning service employees? We live in a world where tens of millions of people are looking for work.

This desperation drives people to exaggerate when applying for jobs with companies like yours. Countless people will tell you that cleaning is their passion and that they will work for you with great enthusiasm and dedication. Their words do not seem credible.

Most of these people are just unemployed people who are willing to tell lies to get a job at your organisation. It is a good idea to assist people in obtaining a means of putting food on their tables, but your role as an entrepreneur is to be a picky employer who only hires those who have earned the right to be labeled the finest of the crop.

This is how a company grows: through the dedication and hard work of individuals who want to be better and put in more effort than their peers. Many people who join up for a cleaning job are unaware of the high level of dedication and tenacity required. By any length of the imagination, it’s not an easy job.

Every employee is expected to toil and seek to meet the high standards of excellence you have set for them. It would help if you also were careful of people who despise cleaning and believe it is a dishonorable occupation. In fact, many of the people who will queue up in front of your office door looking for work will view the positions you offer as temporary work that will help them pay their expenses.

Make a list of your future employee’s tasks. Remember that your potential employees are your company’s most valuable asset, before you begin the hiring process. Your future employees are an investment and will be one of your most valuable assets in achieving your business objectives.

As a result, begin by generating a list of the responsibilities that you will assign to your prospective employees. It will aid both you and your prospective employees if you present them with a detailed work scope outlining their responsibilities during specific work hours and at a specific rate. This will help to avoid future misunderstandings and disputes.

Make a list of the qualities you’re searching for in a cleaner as well. It may not be easy to find someone that works in the same manner as you, but you can at least discover someone with a high work ethic and integrity, both of which are essential qualities to seek in a cleaner. And, while it may be tempting to hire people with little or no experience, especially if your schedule is starting to fill up, consider the long-term implications first. Yes, you might be able to locate someone right away, but finding and hiring people with prior cleaning experience would save you more time and money in terms of training.

You should also seek employees who are self-sufficient as well as hardworking. Cleaning crews do not usually operate together in a single location in the cleaning sector. They’ll be working almost entirely on their own for the most part. As a result, it would be ideal if you and your future employees could agree on whether they can perform their duties and are still satisfied working without monitoring.

Though you may not be able to tell a person’s honesty or devotion to the job based on their appearance or first meeting, you may focus on their attitude throughout the interview. Examine their responses for “that” friendly attitude and the sincerity with which they respond. Every person is unique, but you can tell when someone can be trusted.

In-person Interviews

When you invite applicants in for interviews, make sure you ask them questions that will get them talking. If you’re hiring someone with “cleaning experience,” you might want to put their skills to the test. Observing the applicant in simulated or real-world work situations is one technique to do so. You might see them cleaning a restroom or dusting the room, for example. When interviewing them, you might also use hypothetical scenarios. Ask them how they would deal with a regular issue.

A good interview should last between 30-45 minutes. But what if you realise they’re not the right fit for the position in the first 5 to 10 minutes? You would not want to lose all of that time interviewing the person, so some interviewers may say, “Thank you for coming; we’ll get back to you.” If they believe they have a chance at the job, this can be deceiving. Instead say “I’ve already interviewed multiple people, and I can see that you’re not going to be a good match for this role.” It’s a technique to avoid having to complete the entire interview while also letting them know you won’t be evaluating them again.

Always be recruiting and marketing your job openings

You’ll always be short-handed and desperate for immediate aid if you wait until you have an opening. Make your job adverts unique. Ascertain that they are aware of the genuine advantages that your firm has to offer. It’s similar to marketing your business to your ideal client, except you’re targeting the greatest staff applicants. Create a website application and use social media to spread the word.

Asking your long-term employees why they stay is one method to learn more about your company’s genuine benefits. What inspires them to come to work every day, except from the pay? Is it because of the employees’ camaraderie? If that’s the case, make sure to mention it in your job posting as a perk of working with you.

Another recruiting idea is to make a video with your satisfied employees and post it on your website for job applicants to see. “Why do you continue with our company?” enquire about them. Then let them speak in front of the camera. Nothing sells a job like having your own employees explain why they enjoy working for you. People believe that’s a very wonderful place to work when they see that!

Finding out who is hiring your workers away and why is one thing you can do to boost your recruiting efforts. Find out why employees are leaving and where they are going if you’re losing them. If they’ve found another employment, see if it’s with one of your competitors, another service business like restaurants, or a retailer that pays comparable earnings. Figure out why they’re leaving and where they’re headed. When they give notice, this could mean doing an exit survey or simply asking a few questions.

Make sure to compare your pay to the competition on a regular basis while planning your recruiting procedure. Don’t stop there, though. Compare your pay to that of industries that compete for the same kind of workers you require, such as restaurants and retail stores.

When it comes to hiring employees for your cleaning franchise, the golden rule is only to recruit people you would trust in your own home. This allows you to determine whether the workers can be trusted with your client’s property. Happy customers will lure happy staff, and happy customers will make your firm a huge success.

JAN-PRO Cleaning & Disinfecting franchisees benefit from guaranteed clients for 24 months. Learn more about our commercial cleaning franchise opportunities.
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Cleaning services provided by independently owned and operated JAN-PRO cleaning franchisees. To learn more about the JAN-PRO organisation & business structure, click here.