How to Keep a School Environment Clean

When students, teachers, and staff work in a clean and well-maintained school environment, they are healthier. Disease-causing microorganisms spread due to unsanitary environments. Sickness has a detrimental influence on student attendance and performance. Thus, school cleaning is very important.

Start with the basics

One clean classroom at a time is the way to a clean school. Begin by discussing the tasks that teachers may perform to maintain their classrooms and teacher’s lounge tidy.

For example, each week, the students and instructor can set out an hour to clean and organise the classroom.

Teachers and other staff members should wash their coffee mugs and glasses after each use and wipe up any spills or messes. These fundamental principles will assist you and everyone else at school in maintaining excellent hygiene regularly. A clean working environment can boost productivity, enhance students’ and instructors’ attitudes, and reduce absences.

Section off the school

The most efficient way to keep a school clean is to divide and conquer. Divide the facility into sections and develop a cleaning plan for each area or room type.

For example, you’ll need a single plan for all corridors, entryways, and high-traffic areas. Bathrooms, classrooms, and teachers’ lounges will require a daily cleaning schedule, whereas activity areas used just a few times each week will require a full cleaning after each usage.

You can assess expenditures, employ people, and simplify the process using this method of planning. For example, if you notice that particular areas require greater attention, you may recruit additional workers and obtain additional supplies.

Coduct regular disinfection

For the sake of students’ and workers’ health and safety, disinfecting all surfaces, no matter how large or small, is critical. Schools are breeding grounds for germs and viruses throughout the cold and flu season, and cleaning can help minimise the number of sick individuals and absences.

All surfaces in the classroom, particularly doorknobs, desks, chairs, sponges, activity items and toys, sinks, computer displays, keyboards, mouse, and light switches, should be disinfected regularly.

Bathrooms, kitchens, and common spaces should be disinfected multiple times a day by cleaning personnel. Assemble a package of cleaning materials in each classroom for routine usage or to deal with any mishaps.

Put recycle bins all around the school

If trash cans are easily available, students and school personnel are more likely to toss waste away. Make sure there are recycling containers throughout the school, both inside and out.

Larger garbage cans should be placed in corridors, restrooms, gyms, school entrances and exits, and the schoolyard. Smaller garbage cans should be placed in classrooms, the teachers’ lounge, and other offices.

When garbage cans are placed strategically around the building, they will be difficult to overlook, and there will be fewer candy wrappers, chewing gums, and crumpled paper on the floor.

Hire a professional cleaning company

Janitorial staff turnover is common in schools and educational institutions. Hiring and training new employees are more expensive than keeping existing employees, but there is a solution. Hiring a professional cleaning firm is the most efficient and cost-effective solution for school cleaning.

You may employ them for the whole school year, on a monthly or weekly basis, or for one-time events at your school. You’ll be working alongside skilled cleaners that have years of experience and competence.

JAN-PRO Cleaning & Disinfecting specialises in school cleaning services intending to make learning environments healthier, safer, and more enjoyable. Our specialised cleaning crew will not only keep the educational facilities clean but also enhance them.

Create a cleaning schedule for the staff

You’ll need a comprehensive cleaning strategy if you want a clean school. This basic procedure will assist you and your cleaning crew in working more effectively and keeping the school clean at all times.

It would help if you had a cleaning plan for each part of the school, the time allocated for cleaning, the supplies required, and the staff members who will be working on it. When everyone is aware of what they should be doing and keeping the rooms and surfaces clean is easy.

If you employ a professional cleaning service, they’ll provide their cleaning plan for you to evaluate. You may then make changes and come up with a schedule that works for all parties.

Raise awareness with students and staff

It would help if you increased awareness among the individuals who work and study in the building, regardless of how efficient and well-trained your janitors are. Every single person should contribute to caring for the environment by performing modest but significant actions.

Some examples include throwing trash in the trash can rather than on the floor, flushing the toilet after each use, keeping the seats and desks clean, and cleaning up after oneself.

The school might provide workshops where instructors and cleaning staff discuss the significance of hygiene, clean classrooms, frequent handwashing, and working together to keep the school clean.

You may also hold recycling and cleaning activities when school employees, teachers, students, and parents collaborate to improve the environment.


A better learning experience

The environment you’re in has a significant influence on how well you learn, so it’s no surprise that schools that are maintained clean outperform those kept unclean. It has been proven that children perform better in a clean setting and that clean schools have greater graduation rates than unclean institutions. Similarly, in schools that aren’t well-maintained or cleaned regularly, classroom performance suffers. Keep your school tidy for a better overall learning experience.

Fewer student sick days

Students will use fewer sick days if instructors are healthier and the school is cleaner. This correlates to fewer absences, more classroom participation, improved grades, and greater graduation rates. The transmission of germs and diseases is minimised when the school is kept clean. Having your school cleaned on a deeper level regularly is a fantastic method to make cleanup a breeze.

Reduced allergy and asthma symptoms

Even if kids aren’t sick with the flu or a cold, allergy or asthma symptoms might make it difficult for them to concentrate. Dust, pollen, and even mold, all of which may readily thrive in an unclean educational setting, are common allergies in young children. You can decrease the risk of mold and reduce dust mites and pollen buildup by keeping your classroom clean. Reduced allergy and asthma triggers allow children to concentrate on what they learn in school rather than their symptoms.

Learn more about JAN-PRO Cleaning & Disinfecting’s school cleaning services here.

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